Approval group functionality allows you to create a group of approvers - That way, you can streamline the process of adding approvers to your deals.
Admins can start with the creation of the approval groups from the top bar app, by navigating to the approver groups tab:
When creating new approver groups, admins are able to search for users that they want to add to the approver group:
Besides that, admins have two distinct options when it comes to these groups:
- Add approvers sequentially to a ticket based on the order above - If an option is selected, approvers will be added one by one to the ticket, when the previous approver approves. If the approver denies, the sequence will be broken.
- Number of approvers required to approve a deal - Admin can enter a number smaller or equal to the total number of approvers in the group. As soon as that number of approvers approve, we will consider that the group has approved the deal, and the remaining approvers that have yet to approve will be skipped automatically.
Only one of these two options can be enabled for each group. If neither are enabled, the whole group will be added in at once, and the whole group will be required to approve the deal.
When groups are created, they can be added into the deal using the "+" icon in the sidebar:
This will allow you to search for all of your approver groups, and add one (or multiple) group to the deal.
When searching for approver group, take notice of 3 things:
- If approverr group has a brackets with the numbering next to it's name, such as (1/3), it signifies that 1 out of 3 approvers from that group have to approve the deal before it's considered as approved
- If approvers from the group are listed in an ordered list, it means that approvers will be added in sequentialy
- If approvers are listed in an unordered list, it means that all approvers will be added in at once, and all of them are required to approve the deal
Once the approvers are added to the deal trough the approver group, they will have a special icon next to their name, outlining from which group were they added into the deal: