How do I use this action?
Create a Zendesk trigger with conditions that match the moment when you want to add the comment to all of the linked Jira issues.
Then set the action in MPM. For the action, select Notify Webhook - MPM Webhook. You will be presented the option to paste in the message that will be sent to our servers.
The message for this action is:
"action": "add-jira-comment",
"data": ...
How do I specify the wording of the comment that I want to send?
Action add-jira-comment will look for the content of your comment where "Your Text Here" is in the below message. Use this text when you want to post a comment:
"action": "add-jira-comment",
"data": {
"comment": "<YOUR_TEXT_HERE>"
Be sure to replace <YOUR_TEXT_HERE> with the text you want to include.
How do I send / push the ticket data to Jira?
In a lot of cases, users want to push the latest updates that happened in Zendesk tickets to the linked Jira issues. That way, if the requester of the tickets adds a new comment that might be helpful or relevant to linked Jira issues, the comment can be pushed to the Jira issues automatically.
Just like all of our Webhook actions, add-jira-comment supports Zendesk placeholders. This means that you can use the placeholders to dynamically define the data you want to send. Let's say we want to send the latest comment that was made on the ticket:
"action": "add-jira-comment",
"data": {
"comment": "{{ticket.latest_comment}}"
It doesn't have to be just one placeholder! You can combine multiple placeholders to format the comment exactly as you prefer:
"action": "add-jira-comment",
"data": {
"comment": "User {{}} added a comment: {{ticket.latest_comment}}"