Get approval from your managers and peers for your deals in Zendesk Sell.
What can Myndbend Approval Manager for Zendesk Sell do?
Oftentimes, while closing the deal using Zendesk Sell, an agent might need to request approval from one of their man...Read more
How to set up Myndbend Approval Manager for Zendesk Sell
Installation of the Myndbend Approval Manager for Sell is quick and easy. First, install the Myndbend Approval Mana...Read more
In Myndbend Approval Manager for Zendesk Sell, you can access the Application Settings through the top-bar app: Th...Read more
What features does Myndbend Approval Manager for Zendesk Sell hold?
Myndbend Approval Manager enables your Zendesk Sell users to request approval from an individual approvers or an appr...Read more
In the top bar app, using the My Approval page, the user can see all of the deals where he was a part of the approval...Read more
In the top bar app, using the All Approvals page, the admins can see all of the deals that had approval requests on t...Read more
Approval group functionality allows you to create a group of approvers - That way, you can streamline the process of ...Read more
In the top bar app, on the Mail Template page, admins can enable and customize the emails that will be sent out to th...Read more
In every approval process, an audit trail of what happened when and by whom is a key piece for auditing purposes. For...Read more
Frequently asked questions about Myndbend Approval Manager for Zendesk Sell
In current version of Myndbend Approval Manager for Zendesk Sell, there is no option for adding the approvers automat...Read more