• Approval Requests
    Myndbend Approval Manager enables your Zendesk Sell users to request approval from an individual approvers or an appr...
  • My Approvals
    In the top bar app, using the My Approval page, the user can see all of the deals where he was a part of the approval...
  • All Approvals
    In the top bar app, using the All Approvals page, the admins can see all of the deals that had approval requests on t...
  • Approval Groups
    Approval group functionality allows you to create a group of approvers - That way, you can streamline the process of ...
  • Approval Emails
    In the top bar app, on the Mail Template page, admins can enable and customize the emails that will be sent out to th...
  • Event Log
    In every approval process, an audit trail of what happened when and by whom is a key piece for auditing purposes. For...
  • Deal Snapshot
    Each time an approval event happens, it's important to know how the deal looked like at that moment. That can prevent...