In Myndbend™ Process Manager (premium version), management approval can be automated. For example, a staff member may request a new laptop, but company policy states that their direct supervisor must approve the order before it is placed. In MPM, the manager can automatically be added as an approver to the ticket when the staff member submits it.
There are two ways of setting this up:
Using tags to define user relationship
To indicate the staff-manager relationship, all staff user profiles in Zendesk will need a new tag "subordinate_of_ID" (where ID is the number found in the manager's Zendesk user profile URL). Whenever this staff member submits a request, Zendesk automatically copies the user's tags to the ticket. Hence, the subordinate_of_ID tag will be present on the newly created ticket. (Large accounts may look to apply these tags via the Zendesk API.)
Once this is set, the agent will be able to select “Add Approvers (Requester Managers)” and it will display just the approvers that have the tag specified above.
Note: It may take 15 minutes for Zendesk to show the newly added approvers.
If you want to add managers automatically, when specific conditions have been met, you can look into using Myndbend™️ Webhook. The Webhook action used to add a manager is add-manager-as-approver.
Set up Zendesk Trigger
- Navigate to Zendesk Admin > Object and rules > Triggers and add trigger
- Fill the following fields with corresponding values below:
- Trigger title: MPM Add Manager Approvers
- Conditions: You can choose what you wish here. For example, you can fire this trigger anytime the ticket is created and it was submitted from the New Hire Ticket Form.
- Actions: Select Notify Active Webhook and choose MPM Webhook
- JSON Body: { "action": "add-manager-as-approver" }
Using custom user fields to define user relationship
In MPM (premium), you can also have a custom user field added to the user's profile that will contain the manager's ID or his email, and use the data in that field to add in the approver. This is useful if a user has different levels of management and you need to add only some.
Depending on how you define the data of who the manager is (using IDs, email addresses, or by some other parameter), you will have to use different webhook actions.
For example, when you’ve defined managers using their IDs in the custom field of the user, you can use add-approvers-by-id action.
Zendesk placeholders can be used in every trigger message body in order to pull data that will be sent to the webhook. That means, if you have custom user fields that hold the data that you want to send, you can use them!
In order to add approvers from the custom user field, we just need to use the Zendesk placeholder of that specific field instead of the ID
"action": "add-approvers-by-id",
"data": {
"id": "{{ticket.requester.custom_fields.<key_name>}}"
This process can be used with other MPM Webhook actions, such as add-approvers-by-email (if you’ve defined the manager using his email address instead of ID).