Myndbend now has two options for seeking approvals via email:
- Send a templated email with approval links
- CC approvers on tickets
To enable option 1, email with approval links:
- Click on Myndbend app in the navbar on the left side of the screen.
- If you haven't already done the configuration steps, follow the steps and set up the API access. If that was already done, skip this step.
- Go to "App settings" and locate "Send emails with approval/denial links" - Enable that option. We also recommend you turn off "Add approvers as ticket collaborators" option to avoid excess email notifications. Note, at this time approvers can not reply to the email sent with approval links. If this is required, please keep the CC approvers option enabled. Save the settings.
Click on "Email template" to configure the template.
To enable option 2, CC approvers:
The Myndbend Process Manager app can add all approvers as Collaborators (CC) on the ticket specified. In some cases, the approvers will not log in to Zendesk to approve within the App (eg. end-user approvers). You can request that they approve via email as long as the setting is enabled in the app settings. Here's how:
First, confirm you allow approval via hashtag. Click on Myndbend app in the navbar on the left side of the screen. Go to "App settings" and check "Approval by hashtag". Click the Save button.
Second, we'll need to Enable CCs on tickets and edit the text sent to those collaborators.
- In the Agent interface, select the cog icon to get to the settings. Under the heading "Settings," click on "Tickets.
- Check "Enable CCs on tickets"
- In the "CC email text" field you can add Liquid Markup like so:
You are registered as a CC on this support request ({{}}).
Reply to this email to add a comment to the request.
{% if ticket.tags contains 'approval_pending' %}
If you are required to approve, please reply with "#approved" or "#denied"
List of all approvers:
{% for cc in ticket.ccs %}
{{}} ({{}})
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
You can edit the above how you wish, this is just an example. As you can see in the above markup, the approval text will only show when the ticket contains the tag "approval_pending." Also, note the #approved or #denied tags can change in the App settings. Unfortunately, we do not have a way to differentiate approvers from general collaborators on a ticket. Hopefully, the text above can be written to handle both situations.
Feel free to contact us if you have questions and we'll provide more guidance.