In order for your approvers to be able to make the right approval decision - They need the right context!
Luckily, our app makes it quite easy to tweak the messages in order to bring additional context to people receiving the approval notifications.
When you are on the Slack page in Myndbend Process Manager app, you will see the message that is being sent out, but you will not be able to tweak it until you click Edit button on the top right side of the screen:
Once you click the Edit button, the Edit message page will be opened.
We can break this page into two main sections:
- Message editing controls
- Action editing controls
Message editing controls
With message editing controls, you can set the text that will be sent as an approval notification to your approvers. This text can be either - Static or dynamic (pulled from ticket data).
You can set the dynamic content using placeholders. Available placeholders are:
- {{}} - Will be replaced by Ticket ID
- {{ticket.subject}} - WIll be replaced by Ticket Subject
- {{}} - Will be replaced by the name of the approver to whom the notification is being sent out to
- {{macro_<ID>_text}} - Will be replaced by contents of the Zendesk Macro (read more about this below) - <ID> needs to be replaced by the ID of the macro you want to use.
- {{ticket.description}} - Will be replaced by Ticket Description
- {{ticket.url}} - Will be replaced by Ticket URL
Macro Placeholder
Macro placeholders allow you to include any content from Zendesk macro:
This is really useful if you want to pull the ticket data to display to your approvers - Macros support Zendesk placeholders allowing you to include any data you want into your approval requests:
Considering that Macros also support Liquid script, you can use conditional logic to display different data based on ticket properties, such as what ticket form is used:
{%if ticket.ticket_form == 'IT Change' %}
This is an IT Change form content
{% endif %}
{%if ticket.ticket_form == 'HR' %}
This is an HR form content
{% endif %}
Action editing controls
Controls for editing actions approvers have allowed you to tweak 3 basic actions we support:
- Approving
- Denying
- Reviewing of the request
You can enable or disable which of these actions will be available to your approvers.
For enabled actions, you will be able to tweak the wording of the button label.