It is easy to allow customers and / or end-users to approve tickets in Myndbend™️ Process Manager.
Tag the end-user profile with the approval_allowed tag (or your preferred tag setup in MPM Settings). If you want to automatically tag the ticket requester's profile, you’ll need to set up one trigger and one webhook. If you choose to update user tags one time only (rather than ongoing), you can bulk import / update users via CSV.
Note: Please keep in mind that your agents will have the ability to add these end-users as approvers, which could lead to inadvertent additions.
The webhook will call the Zendesk API that adds the tag to the requester's profile. This webhook will be called by a trigger, which will be explained in the next section below.
To create the webhook go to Admin Center / Apps and integrations / Webhooks. Under Actions, click on Create webhook. Fill out the following fields:
- Name: Set any name that can make it easy to identify this webhook
- Description (Optional): Optional description that will make it easy for other agents to know why this webhook was created
- Endpoint URL: https://{subdomain}{{}}/tags.json (make sure to replace {subdomain} with your subdomain)
- Request method: PUT
- Request format: JSON
- Authentication: Basic authentication
- Username: Use the email of one of the admin's accounts, followed by "/token" - For example
- Password: API token (Click here to learn how to generate it)
- Click Create
Webhook is set! Let’s see how to create the trigger we need.
The example trigger below will be fired on every new ticket creation from Web Form or Email channel and will add the "approval_allowed" tag to the requester user.
Go to Admin Center / Objects and rules / Triggers click on Add trigger and fill the form with the following information:
- Ticket is Created
- Channel is Web Form (tag end-user tickets only)
- Channel is Email
Action: Notify Active Webhook (select webhook from above)
JSON Body:
{ "tags": ["approval_allowed"] }