Approvers may receive multiple requests for approval several times per day. While the approval requests will remain in the approver's inbox, it could be cumbersome. To give approvers a better means to see all of their pending approvals, we released the "My Approvals" premium feature in our 4.3 app release. You can read more about it here.
Agents will be able to see their approvals from the Myndbend app in the Zendesk agent interface. End-users will have two means to visit the "My Approvals" page, described below.
Adding My Approval link to the approval email
We've added a new Email Template placeholder for adding a shortcut to your "My Approvals" page. Navigate to the Myndbend Process Manager in the left Nav bar > Email template.
In the dropdown with available placeholders, you'll see a new placeholder:
{{mpm.approvals label="My approvals"}}
Insert the placeholder into the body of the email where you want to display the link.
Adding My Approval link to a Guide theme
Add a link to your "My Approvals" page in your Guide (aka Help Center) is quite straight forward, although it will require a bit of HTML knowledge.
Start by navigating to the "Customize Design" page in Guide Admin. Locate the theme that you are currently using and click on "View Theme":
After that click on "Edit Code". Determine which page you would like to insert the link to "My Approvals." For example, the "My Activities" page would be an ideal location considering the end-user would visit this page frequently for ticket history.
If you use Guide internally, you may find it to be most convenient to place the link in the header of your Help Center (Header.hbs) or on request page for your end-users (requests_page.hbs).
Once you are on that page, find a place where you'd like to add the link in. Once you've located it, paste in the following code:
<a href="<DOMAIN_NAME>" target="_blank">My Approvals</a>
Note: You'll need to change <DOMAIN_NAME> with your Zendesk domain (without the brackets).
You are all set now!
The "My Approvals" link in Guide will display a page that looks like this after they login:
Note: Myndbend Process Manager does not store actual ticket data. To display useful data to the approver, the Myndbend app retrieves user and ticket data in real-time using the Zendesk API. Because of this, end-users will see this screen the first time that they open up the page:
The user must click "Allow" the Myndbend app to access the user and ticket data on their behalf.
If your end-users are unfamiliar with Myndbend Process Manager, we suggest that you inform them about this message before they are redirected to the "My Approvals" page.
Advanced Tip: Show a pop-up message warning users about the authorization step
If your help center code doesn't already have a code for a modal, you can start with this code here:
The website above demonstrates a very simple modal that could be used to display a warning message to the approver before the authorization step.
You may want to add a check to see if the user has seen the message and repeatedly showing this message. To do so, you should ask your developer to store a Yes/No flag in the user's browser localstorage, something like "seen the warning." If the flag is present in the user's localstorage, redirect them automatically to the "My Approvals" page without displaying the modal.