The Myndbend™ Process Manager action add-approvers-by-user-tag is used to automatically add approvers to tickets (when certain conditions are met) using a specific tag on their Zendesk user profile. Using user tags, you can create a simpler version of an approval group.
For example, you can tag your whole legal team with a tag legal. Now. based on the selections in the form, the premium version of MPM can automatically add the entire group as approvers automatically.
How do I use this action?
Create a Zendesk trigger with conditions that match the moment when you want to add in the approver.
Then set the action in MPM. For the action, select Notify Webhook - MPM Webhook. You will be presented with the option to paste in the message that will be sent to our servers.
The message for this action is:
"action": "add-approvers-by-user-tag",
"data": ...
How do I set the tags for the users I want to add?
Action add-approvers-by-user-tag has two options you can use.
You can specify the tags as an array of strings:
"action": "add-approvers-by-user-tag",
"data": {
"tag": ["tag1", "tag2", "tag3"]
Or you can specify the tags using a comma-separated string:
"action": "add-approvers-by-user-tag",
"data": {
"tag": "tag1,tag2,tag3"
Both of these options will do the same action: Add all users that have one of the following tags ("tag1, tag2, tag3") on their profile as approvers. For example, add all Tier 2 support agents that are tagged as "server support", "network support" and "Tier 2 team lead".
This action, as well as all other actions, can be used in combination with the Liquid Script, to conditionally decide which tags you want to send.
If you decide to use Liquid Script, be sure to read our quick Liquid guide, which covers some of the most common questions.