The Myndbend™ Process Manager action add-approvers-by-zendesk-group-id is used to automatically add all users from a Zendesk Group as approvers to tickets (when certain conditions are met). This way, you can easily add your whole Zendesk Group to a ticket, and automatically let each member know that they need to review and approve / deny the ticket.
How do I use this action?
Create a Zendesk trigger with conditions that match the moment when you want to add in the approver.
Then set the action in MPM. For the action, select Notify Webhook - MPM Webhook. You will be presented the option to paste in the message that will be sent to our servers.
The message for this action is:
"action": "add-approvers-by-zendesk-group-id",
"data": ...
How do I find the ID for the group I want to add?
There are two ways to find the ID of the group you want to add.
Through the Zendesk UI:
- Navigate to Zendesk Admin Center > People > Groups
- Right-click on the group that you want to use
- Click "Open Link in New Tab"
- In the URL, you can find the ID of the group:
Using Zendesk API:
- Open up the following link (make sure to replace yoursubdomain):
- In the JSON text that will show up on the screen, find the group and the ID of the group
How to provide the tags for the users I want to add?
Action add-approvers-by-zendesk-group-id has two options you can use.
You can specify the ID as an array:
"action": "add-approvers-by-zendesk-group-id",
"data": {
"zendeskGroupId": [123,321,4524]
Or you can specify the ID's using a comma-separated string:
"action": "add-approvers-by-zendesk-group-id",
"data": {
"zendeskGroupId": "123,321,4534"
Both of these options will do the same action: Add all users, that are in Zendesk Groups with IDs (e.g. "123", "321" and "4534", as approvers.
This action, as well as all of the other actions, can be used in combination with Liquid Script to conditionally decide which groups you want to add.
If you decide to use Liquid Script, be sure to read our quick Liquid guide, which covers some of the most common questions.