Myndbend Process Manager 4.13 will be deployed on November 21st, 2021
New Features
- General release of Approval Groups: Approval groups give your admins (and delegated agents) the ability to add approvers automatically to tickets all at once or in a sequence. While similar functionality was available via targets before, the new UI will simplify approval workflow setup and updates greatly. Once rolled out to your account, Approval Groups can be found in the left side menu of the Myndbend Admin app within Zendesk.
- Webhooks: Zendesk recently announced the deprecation of HTTP Targets and is requiring accounts to transition to webhooks. We have written transition documentation and have a nifty conversion tool to help out. Documentation will be available in our Guide soon after this release.
We've made other small improvements to our app for performance and stability.
Give Us Feedback!
What can we do better for you? Myndbend Process Manager is continually improving, and we need your help to make it the best it can be. Please take a couple of minutes to send us feedback via our contact form above, and we’ll put your feedback to good use!