In Myndbend™ Process Manager, an approver can be added to a ticket by clicking the "+" icon, next to Approvers in the sidebar. Approvers that do not show in the initial list on the "Add Approver" dialog can be found using the search functionality displayed in the below screenshot.
If there are approvers in your organization that get frequently added, and you want to reduce the number of clicks needed to add them, you might want to look into the Frequent Approver option. With the frequent approver option enabled, selected users will be displayed in our app even before you initiate the search:
In order to enable the frequent approver option, navigate to the Myndbend™ Process Manager app in the left menu bar> Settings > Approval Settings. Select the field "Check to enable the filtered list of frequent approvers by tag". You can also customize the tag that needs to be added to the selected list of users (the default tag is "frequent_approver"). Find user profiles that you want to tag as frequent approvers, and add the tag to the user's tag list. A frequent approver can be any eligible approver (end-user or agent). Once users are tagged, only those specific users will be listed in the "Add Approver" screen, and all others can be located using the approver search field.
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