Myndbend Process Manager automatically adds tags to represent the approval status. The detailed instructions on how to create a view are here. Here are the steps your Zendesk admin can take to create the views based on approval status:
- Navigate to Zendesk Settings > Views
- Click Add View
- In the view conditions, choose "Ticket: Tags" - "Contains at least one of the following". If you'd like the view to show all pending approvals, enter "approval_pending". Likewise you can use the tag "approved" or "denied" to show all tickets that have been approved or denied, respectively. Note, if you are a Myndbend premium subscriber, these default tags can be changed in Myndbend Process Manager Settings.
- Add any other conditions you need to refine the view.
Advanced Tip 1:
Here are all the tags managed by Myndbend Process Manager that you can use in views.
Advanced Tip 2:
You may wish to add the approver names to your view. You can do this by creating a custom field and following these instructions to add your approvers to this field. Then, drag the column labeled with this custom field to display into "Columns included in table." At this time, Zendesk doesn't support conditions matching on custom text fields. This would be useful to create views specific to an individual. If this is required, please contact Myndbend Support for alternative solutions.