A lot of tickets have parts that are related to the original but should still be kept as separate tickets. For example, when a new hire comes on board, there are a lot of things that need to be done, such as allocating a desk, a phone, a laptop setup, and so on. While they are still related to the original new-hire ticket, all of those specific items should be their own tickets assigned to the right department.
For that, Myndbend Process Manager offers child tickets, a way to create separate tickets that are still related to the original request, but that are kept as their own tickets.
The benefits of this approach are tremendous:
- There is a clear trace of who did what and where.
- It is easy to keep track of related tickets within the Myndbend app interface (not only child tickets but even grandchild tickets).
- It is easy to set up automations to keep data in sync between parent and child tickets, such as comments and form data.
Myndbend Process Manager also offers ticket templates, an easy and convenient way to predefine all of the data for recurring tickets that happen often. This includes fields such as subject, description, assignee, requestor, and much more.
With ticket templates, you can fully automate your flow so the right tickets get created when the criteria you define is met. For example, each time a new hire request is created, Myndbend Process Manager can automatically generate all of the tickets related to that request, eliminating a lot of time-consuming manual input.