In a lot of cases, approvers need to be added to the ticket based on specific conditions. To name some of them:
- If a new laptop costs over $XX, XXX - Add approvers in
- If the change that needs to be released is considered as a "High Impact" - Add approvers in
So far, you had two options for achieving these results:
- Using Liquid Script in your triggers
- Creating multiple Zendesk triggers - One for each set of conditions you have
Neither of these seemed like the best possible solution.
Because of that, Myndbend created Conditional Approval Groups! To put it simply, the Conditional Approval Group is still an Approval Group - With conditions added to it. If these conditions are met - Approvers are added in. If conditions are not met, our app ignores the request and does not add in the approvers.
In order to turn an approval group into a conditional approval group - You need to toggle the "Conditional Group" toggle:
Once toggled, you will be presented with a UI where you can specify the conditions that the ticket needs to meet in order for the approvers from this group to be added:
From the conditions, you can select any of your:
- Custom text fields
- Custom textarea fields
- Custom dropdown fields
- Custom multi-select fields
And use those as conditions. For example:
You also have OR blocks. Or blocks allow you to add alterations to your conditions, as such:
In this case, we specified that the approvers from this group are if the change impact is High or Medium.
Note: Conditional Approval Groups still need to be added using the webhook. But, now you can list out multiple approval groups, and our server will determine (using the conditions) which approval groups need to be added.