If you need to request approval from someone in (or out of) your organization, Myndbend™ Process Manager can do it automatically. MPM provides a place where you can add approvers that you want to include every time a ticket (or child ticket) is created. Whether you create a ticket for a new hire, change request, or equipment purchase, you’ll only have to add the approvers once.
You can do this manually or through the MPM sidebar app:
To fully automate including approvers in tickets, MPM provides several different options:
- Using their user ID
- Using a tag on their profile
- Using their email
- Conditionally, based on data that was submitted
- Use a custom user field to do a lookup for a user
Besides turning a user into an approver, Myndbend™ Process Manager also supports more complex approval structures, such as:
- Building custom approval groups to sequence approvers (for when you need to enforce a certain order of approvals)
- Minimal required number of approvals (for when you don't need all of your approvers to review, only a certain number of them)
Once you've set up your automatic approvers, you can customize the approval request email to make reviewing quick and easy.
NOTE: The approver can be any user within your Zendesk system, even if they are end-user!